
morning came

a turbid blue

Afreya awoke

stretching into her morning

wash away the sleep

soft gown falls

naked supple

moves into the garden

emerging from the still

green shrubbery

the ungrich

beaked and blind

with anal spewed eggs

that Afreya would sing to

her voice, her touch

broke soft shell

baby ungrich

fragile wet flesh

scooped and offered

Afreya took each one

devouring them

soft bony morsel

tissue swallowed

belly and breasts

began to swell

eager baby grew

her body tremors

with each and every


enjoying what mother ate

Afreya smiled

her own offspring

would come

to nurture on her red milk

the world would

become theirs

as Afreya collapsed

withering to a husk

she had done

what her birth had intended

repeat the process

and die again

in that way

Not my usual kind of work, but felt compelled looking at Michael Hutters paintings, that have defining and disturbing depth of beauty

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