$50 Afterglow

apartment small and tidy,

stood by window,

tried wiping it to catch a


grease, breath of a thousand


skin cells too

gave thick reptilian scaliness

to glass,

digging nails in would not

scrape away,

feeling the grease

texture of other men who had

lain with her,

burdened her with marital


domination and sadness,

this is what remained,

a scar of orange broke through

not wanting to place face too close,

behind she sighed flesh peppered

in goosebumps,

heating not on

could he leave just yet,

feeling sun burning blue of his

eyes it stung yet could not pull



12 thoughts on “$50 Afterglow

  1. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award and recap of all previous nominees « mypenandme

  2. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award « mypenandme

  3. There is an embedded humanity in this, his not wanting to leave, his either imagining or knowing her life (probably the latter). The grease of men/skin cells detritus on the window comments on the inner lives of both. Extremely strong stuff, Chris. Had a hard time finding your blog, but WOW. In admiration, Amy


  4. extremely touching, and glad the person at the window appears to be feeling it

    “feeling the grease

    texture of other men who had

    lain with her,

    burdened her”

    very very touching, thank you chris


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