horizons last echo

april sky so soon

drifting on a serpents tail,

leave things unsaid

as land sloop nods it’s sails

passing by

current winds darkly,

past rises and falls

heart regains soft perfume

and patient curve of dreams,

the dose of milky words is measured

and watch strong veins yield,

fertile nymph swift winged

with gentle reprimand and sweet caress

each phrase an anchor

she is the earth i sought

connect and chains alike rendered

into length across the gulf

range to stars and hand shaped sun,

beam downward facing light

it’s shift as hot  as a hammer strike,

layers heat stripped back

pool of her shine

into a naked dance

witnessed by constellation

who appraised and agreed,

becoming fugitives

beyond a shouting earth

we fled on the arch

of freedoms ray


crawl to the knife

seismic interuptions

with sun borne gas epicentre

thunderous resonance of the cosmos,

catching messages from those afar,

accidental theorists

will counter color and comma’s of red,

is it a soup

our primal soup vindicating our creation

pulsing veins of human arrogance

take out a thousand letters to the truck,

count the terrorists who will object to

seeing her,

yes in the window of our setting harmony,

naked without dressing

and man’s venhement spit

cast from the place of serpents dwell

crawling with a whetted vengenance

and absolute length of time to survive,

her womb a dish

for the swimming and the egg to explore

and collide with cellular distraction,

it is her charm in nakedness to be our fear,

her gaze outreaches to that fury

of orange concentrics and geometry

we will be seen

we will be born,

to live by those messages

from those afar



Robert Delauny

Robert Delauny

union horses on the interstate

behind hood and dashboard

his mind with hers

still rested in the ninth house,

blacktop travelling at interstate speed,

control firm,

music loud not slight,

with a long sigh pressed her head against


often as companions traveled

now had a quest,

possessions as much as they where

poured into the trunk to be sorted on


unwind as you will from society,

be bold in the colors

your heart has started to wear,

those who are skeptical

will not understand,

that beyond that frontal lobe threshold

lies a dense form

filled with thought and the saturate

of free will,

no alexander sword could cut

the feeling

each blow opposed,

red paint reflects those horses and riders

galloping along side with defined stride,

the future lies in the echoes

of the smile



room to let at the end of the cosmos

i keep her flatpack

with the armadillo

and awkward typewriter

in a set of drawers,

sat lopsided in one corner

of a once oblong room

concealed by dust

whose motes once illuminate

by the moon

it’s dream fills the window

and spills on floor,

i was at my peak

not meaning that poor

comment of manhood

in those shorts

with memory of yesterday,

but my written word

pages in courier 12 point

bound by petals

picked from a border

lost in objective

of growth and color,

agent calls from that golf course


voice already mixed with alcohol

so that vowels elongated

consonants stumbled,

staff attended his empty glass,

i voided my verbal bowels

and got him to hang up,

needing more than a cigarette

or cut up powders,

locks down some thought

to translate later,

room empty

pit of stomach empty

hunger that daily reward,

i moved back to drawer

could cardboard live,

without instruction

manual lost

one furious session,

fingers would be stone

immovable unable to build,

she would remain

away concealed as a secret

while i furnished my heart

ready to receive,

yet still blank

to what should be felt






Beyond Caring

deep silence

audible in the calm,

lit by blood

made from skin,

love a human industry,

his intentional face

written with what

only darkest nights bring,

she reflected what he saw

and had her own

flickering gleam,

restaurant a stage

on which they now played,

a filmy invitation glowed

the mellow strained juices

of calm

thickened by shudder of

her lips,

ecstasies spell knotted

by one kiss,

doubt a pain long gone,

she would know the

hungering weight

and he the feverous

unbound liberty

Joseph Lorusso

Joseph Lorusso


magpie tales statue stamp 185




Portrait of Things

a handful of ocean

to replace the tears,

that stung razor cut aqueous humor

pressured by fluid on cheeks

and tasted at corners of mouth,

in her protective nest

among the rushes society grew,

her temptation an anchor

buried in water and weeds

souring by the day,

soiled tongue darkened by

language and apprehensive pain

of words that can hurt,

she had left him behind

the one who became a shadow,

yet her cleft had known his

two fingers

and tobacco kiss ,

rising up on tidal swell

she placed herself away

into the corner

until he had definitely gone,

the powder of air

would fall and settle,

and finding strength

climb from nest

onto another’s cotton shoulders

and exaggerate her heart

artist ; Isabelle Rolles

artist ; Isabelle Rolles



The Great Exchange

i choke on all bestiary tales that dismorph the heart

all alone in the cabin that disfigures,

tremor of hands that will not still,

abridged conditions i accept,


a pct considered unholy,

i choke on all bestiary tales that dismorph the heart,

raven cleansed lungs sing and breathe,

the burden of my loins sold with caution,


her breasts turn bitter as she wails pain,

i choke on all bestiary tales that dismorph the heart

solitude an empty bed without,

she now silent by my blade and kiss on brow,


that carpetbag of immense wealth,

i choke on all bestiary tales that dismorph the heart

spills gold glitter into my eyes,

and what i see turns dark as they fail


